Executive Board

The Executive Board term is July 2023 to June 2025.

Executive Portfolios

Jason Lucas, President

president@cupe5167.org or 905-522-0917 x 226

Jason’s permanent position is with the City of Hamilton in the IT Department. It is a natural fit as he is a gaming and technology enthusiast! Jason has been with the City for over 25 years.

Jason began his union activism as a Joint Health and Safety Committe (JHSC) member and eventually Co-Chair in the workplace. He was a Steward, City Inside Grievance Committee member, and City Bargaining Team member as well.

Jason was elected as the Temporary City Inside Vice President in 2019 and won re-election in 2021. Jason then moved into the Vice President role to continue his passion for labour law and supporting his fellow 5167ers.

Jason has since stepped up to be the President to fill a temporary vacancy. Jason looks forward to the new challenge and opportunity to lead and support CUPE Local 5167!


Deann Smith, Vice President 

vicepresident@cupe5167.org, x 225

Deann Smith has been a longtime active member ensuring her girls came to labour day every year! Deann is a Senior Worker with the Ontario Works program and believes in a client centered approach.  She stepped up to be a Steward, City Inside Grievance Committee Member, and City Bargaining Team Member.

Deann once again stepped up to fill the Vice President temporary vacancy. Deann brings her understanding of legislation, Collective Agreement language, and strong organization and interpersonal skills! And clearly committed to CUPE Blue nail polish!


Jodi Coville, Executive Administrator/Chief Steward

administrator@cupe5167.org   905-522-0917 x 229

Jodi has been a member of CUPE Local 5167 since she began at the City of Hamilton in the Healthy and Safe Communities Department in 2004.  Jodi permanent position is Ontario Works Trainer. She began as a Steward in 2009, was a Trustee, newsletter committee member and was elected as Treasurer in 2012. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons she was not able to complete her term after 16 months. Jodi was elected as the Full Time Executive Administrator in 2014. Her portfolio is member service/representation, communications, facilities, records coordination, staff supervision/direct report, signing officer, job evaluation committee, City Bargaining Team Member, Staff Bargaining Team Lead, bylaw and communication committee chairs. Jodi implemented social media in November of 2014 for the local and is responsible for the website, social media accounts and eblasts.

In April 2024, membership approved bylaw changes to move the role of Chief Steward into the Executive Administrator portfolio. Jodi is excited about this new opportunity to share her knowledge, continue to learn herself, and support all the work of CUPE Local 5167 membership!

Jodi is a true blue 5167er! Jodi loves when her Executive and Members send her pictures to keep the members informed of 5167 activities! So go like 5167 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, youtube and TikTok!  cupelocal5167 | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok | Linktree

Jodi loves all things animal (especially her cats and dogs), zebra print, belly laughs, and a good selfie!

Steve Rothwell, Treasurer

treasurer@cupe5167.org  905-522-0917


Ann Jenkins, 2nd Vice President



Ann has been a member of CUPE Local 5167 since 2004.  Her permanent position is an Employment Development Councilor in the City Unit. Ann began as a Steward and JHSC member and then was elected as the 3rd Vice President (Currently known as the Education Coordinator) and served 4 terms before stepping up into a full-time role as the 2nd Vice President in 2019. Ann is also a CUPE OD Education Facilitator and a CUPE OD OMECC Member.

Ann shares her knowledge of health and wellness to support her fellow 5167ers! As the 2nd VP she is responsible for supporting members navigating STD, LTD, Return to Work, Accommodation Requests, and WSIB programs. She also is the lead support to JHSC in the workplace. In addition, she initiated and planned (Chair of the 5167 Health & Safety committee) the Summertime Wellness Event, 2024 will be the 3rd annual event.


Virginia Stonehouse, Education Coordinator 

education@cupe5167.org  905-522-0917

Virginia has been a member of the CUPE Local since 2009. Virginia currently works in the Water department for the City of Hamilton. Virginia became a steward in 2018 and was elected to be the first part time worker to sit on the Bargaining Team in 2018/2019. She was elected as the Education Coordinator in 2019.

Virginia organizes educational opportunities for Executive, Stewards and membership. If you have any questions or request, reach out and learn more!!


Ruth Graves, Social Planning Coordinator

social@cupe5167.org  905-522-0917

 Ruth is an Accessible Transit Operator (ATO) with the DARTS Unit. She has been an active Steward and committee member for years. Ruth has been on the political action committee/social committee, DARTS ATO Bargaining Team, and DARTS ATO Grievance Committee. Ruth also has participated in various political actions for elections that impact Hamilton and Ontario!


Ruth jumped into her new role as the Social Planning Coordinator in 2021 and planned her first 5167 Hop into Easter event and it was a total success! Ruth has continued to lead the way with various social events to engage her fellow 5167ers!!


Watch for postings and visit the website to come join 5167 at the Spring Fling, Walk a Mile in Their Shoes, Food Drives, Labour Day, Breakfast with Santa and many more events!!


Dorothy Heuck, Equity Coordinator 

equity@cupe5167.org or  905-522-0917

Dorothy is a Recreation Coordinator in Healthy and Safe Communities Department, Recreation Division.

Dorothy has been an active member of CUPE Local 5167 since 2012 when she became a Union Steward.

She was elected into the Trustee Position in 2014 and continued in that position until June 2021.

Dorothy was appointed as the 2nd VP to fill in for a short-term temporary leave in 2017 and has been a Sargent of Arms for 1 term. 

She has also sat on various Union related committees such as: Education, Health and Safety, Job Evaluation, Grievance and the Strike Committee.

As the Equity Coordinator Dorothy looks to engage members and Executive around equity and diversity. Dorothy leads her committee and union in various events and learning opportunities throughout the year.  A few to mention are Black History Month, Pink Shirt Day, International Women’s Day, Donation Drives, Mental Health Awareness, Pride, Indigenous Matters, Take Back the Night and so much more!


Lee Willson, Airport Vice President

airportvp@cupe5167.org or   905-522-0917

Lee has been an active Steward for years. He was elected as the Airport Vice President and continues to support his coworkers and union.

If he isn’t on duty as an Airport Operations Specialist, he is enjoying his motorcycle and family!


Tracey Provo,  City Inside Vice President.

cityinsidevp@cupe5167.org  905-522-0917

Tracey has been a member of CUPE Local 5167 since 2001. She has worked in various roles and her permanent position is Ontario Works Case Manager in the City Unit.


Tracey started her union activism as a Steward and JHSC representative in the workplace. In 2021 She was elected as the Social Planning Coordinator and quickly moved into the City Inside Vice President and loves the challenge! She leads the City Inside Grievance Committee and is always ready to support her fellow 5167ers whether it be a filing grievance, representing members in various situations, providing a referral or learning opportunity!


Tracey is a recognized Certified Associate of Project Management (CAPM) and holds a diploma as a Social Service Worker. She brings extensive community resource knowledge & planning experience to her role. Tracey is also a Coffee enthusiast. 


Bobby Barnett, City Outside Vice President

cityoutsidevp@cupe5167.org or 905-522-0917 x 224

Bobby’s permanent position is a Parks Investigator in the City Unit. He has been an active steward in the workplace for over 15 years, as well as an elected City Outside Grievance Committee member.

Bobby has been active on the Joint Job Evaluation Appeals Committee (JJEAC) since 2014.

Bobby was elected as the City Outside Vice President in 2023 and participated in Bargaining. Any indignation of yours is an indignation of Bobby’s!

On his weekends (brought to you by unions!) he enjoys his family, soccer, kayaking and fishing!

 Marlene Blair, DARTS Vice President



Marlene is an Accessible Transit Operator (ATO) with the DARTS Unit for 30 years.  Marlene has been an active Steward for as long as we remember! She has been on various committees over the years. Marlene has taken education, attended various union rallies and is active doing her part for her union!

In 2022 Marlene was elected as the DARTS Vice President. Marlene loves meeting with members to share her knowledge of their rights and responsibilities under their Collective Agreement.

On the weekends (brought to you by unions) you will find her at her cottage, fishing, relaxing, and spending time with her family!

Paula Masys-Pollock, Good Shepherd Vice President

goodshepherdvp@cupe5167.org  905-522-0917

Paula has been working in Outreach Services at Good Shepherd Women’s Services since 1999.

Paula is true blue activist. She has been active on many committees over the years such as: health & safety, grievance, newsletter, bargaining, political action, education and bylaws.

Paula has been the Good Shepherd Vice President since 2008. She maintains her passion for helping others in her role with Good Shepherd for the community and with her union!!

Sue Lavallee, Lodges Vice President

lodgesvp@cupe5167.org   905-522-0917

Sue has been providing administrative support to the City of Hamilton Lodges as a Staffing Clerk since 2007. She was promoted to the Nursing Coordinator position where she continues to provide vital administrative support.

Sue is a lifelong labour activist, she was active for many years prior to joining CUPE Local 5167. She brings her passion and experience to everything she does. She has been an active Steward from the very beginning and takes pride in her union. In addition, she has been an active committee member participating on the newsletter, bargaining, education and bylaw committees at one time or another.

Sue was elected as the Lodges Vice President in 2016.

Tessa Hering, RBG Vice President

rbgvp@cupe5167.org    905-522-0917

Tessa has been a gardener at Royal Botanical Gardens since 2015.

Tessa started out as Steward in 2018 and took on more challenges as a member of the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC), Bargaining Team, and Grievance Committee.

Tessa was elected as the RBG Vice President and likes the challenge and opportunity to make improvements to her workplace.

Tessa has a very good dog named Garbanzo Beans, but he prefers to go by Beans.

Andrea Cowan,  SMH Vice President

smhvp@cupe5167.org               905-522-0917

Andrea has worked at St. Matthew’s House since February 2021 where she started in the Admin Assistant role. She then took the role of Early Childhood Assistant in the Childcare program and joined CUPE Local 5167.

Andrea was elected as the SMH Vice President in 2022. She is thrilled to be a part of CUPE Local 5167 and loves the opportunity of supporting her coworkers!