Contact Us

Contact 3 (2)

You can reach us at the CUPE Local 5167 office:

818 King Street East
Hamilton, ON
L8M 1B2

General Inquiries: 

Phone: 905-522-0917
Fax: 905-522-4011

Name Position Extension eMail
Jason Lucas President 226
Deann Smith Vice President 225
Jodi Coville Executive Administrator/Chief Steward 229
Oral Riseing Treasurer
Ann Jenkins 2nd Vice President 227
Virginia Stonehouse Education Coordinator
Ruth Graves Social Planning Coordinator
Dorothy Heuck Equity Coordinator
Tracey Provo City Inside Vice President 228
Bobby Barnett City Outside Vice President 224
Lee Willson Airport  Vice President
Marlene Blair DARTS Vice President
Paula Masys-Pollock Good Shepherd Vice President
Sue Lavallee Lodges Vice President
Tessa Hering RBG Vice President
Andrea Cowan SMH Vice President
Office Staff
Brenda Financial Assistant 223
Le Administrative Assistant 221
Isabelle Administrative Assistant 222

Inquiries By Subject

Media / Political Action/ Organizational Lead: Jason Lucas

Education: Virginia Stonehouse

Financial: Oral Riseing

Health & Safety, STD, LTD, RTW, WSIB:  Ann Jenkins 

Steward Supports: Your Unit Vice President or Chief Steward

Communications/ Social Media / Website: Jodi Coville


Who should I call?


  • If you are called in by your employer for a meeting, ask if it is about or can lead to discipline; you     should have union representation.
  •  To file a grievance when the Collective Agreement has been violated.
  • All grievances are managed by the unit vice president and the grievance committee.
  • Any union related questions (Collective Agreement).
  • Seniority discrepancy.
  • Support filing a human rights complaint with the employer.
  • Support on how to address a workplace issue that is not covered below.


Location Stewards

The Location Steward shall act as the Union’s representative at the workplace and shall ensure that member issues are dealt with, and grievances are filed if the employer fails to comply with the terms of the Collective Agreement.

Stewards can attend meetings with the employer that are about discipline or can lead to discipline. They can file a grievance to dispute the discipline or another violation.


·        Calling in sick (supervisor)

·        Scheduling vacation (supervisor)

·        Workplace issues (start with supervisor)

·        Payroll inquiries (HR)

·        Pension & Benefits (HR)

·        Human Rights/Harassment Complaints (HR)

·        Employee Assistance Program

Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC)

JHSC is composed of worker and employer representatives.

JHSC is a legal requirement under Section 9 of OHSA – Occupational Health & Safety Act.

If you see or know of any health and safety issues, report them to your supervisor immediately.

Also inform your worker representative so they are aware and follow up accordingly.

Know your rights!

Your JHSC representatives must be posted on the health and safety board.

5167 Workers Guide to JHSC March 2024

Labour Management Committee (LMC)

If your location does not have one, call your unit vice president to see about implementing one.

LMC is composed of worker and employer representatives.

The LMC looks at discussing workplace issues and finding solutions. Your worker representative will participate at bi-monthly meetings, collect agenda items from workers in your location, and share information. If you identify a workplace issue like workload, process issue, etc., talk to your LMC representative.

Ask your Steward or Unit Vice President if your location has one.